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Da Vinci Paint

12 Chalky Finish Paint Angelico Old White

12 Chalky Finish Paint Angelico Old White

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This chalk finish paint colour Angelico Old White  is an off white with a slightly grey tinge. Its sister  Colour Bottocelli off white has a slightly ochre tone

Da Vinci's  Chalky Paint Finish is a self-priming chalky paint in a range of Shabby Chic Colours inspired by Renaissance painters. It can be a base coat, a second coat, or a single coat finish. This unique decorative finish is developed for furniture, floors, and walls.

Some ideas you can use Fra Angelico

  • As with all off-whites or white they make a lovely contrast to natural wood. Angelico is an old white or aged white and also looks lovely when distressed and waxed.
  • (1)Apply the first coat of paint: Unlike most water-based paints, Da Vinci Distressed chalky Paint can be applied straight onto the wood without using a primer. Stir the paint for the first coat – use Angelico. If it’s too thick, add a little water. Apply with a paint bristle brush big enough to cover efficiently, but without overloading the brush or applying too thickly.

    (2) Create depth and shading: Once the first coat is dry use a narrow brush to apply the second coat – for example, Michelangelo – to the edges of your project. This will draw attention to the shape and emphasises mouldings, so highlighting some areas will produce a greater depth when distressing and ageing the finish. Now the paint is dry, rub away patches with 200-320 grit sandpaper or steel wool in areas that would naturally show wear through use and time. You may want to practise first by experimenting on some painted and waxed wood off-cuts.

  • as Angelico is a light colour use antiquing dark soft wax to maximise
  • Fra Angelico is a light colour so really goes with almost any contrast colour combination.
Once finished for protection you could:
  • apply a coat of clear soft wax to leave a smooth satin finish
  • apply a clear soft wax and once dry apply a dark soft wax for an antique look
  • For a hardwearing finish such as a tabletop then we recommend Glaze & Medium for a satin clear finish
  • For dark colours you could use liming or white wax to soften paint colour
  • Leave Au natural as a matt finish
Please note colours are an indication only as computer screens an programs may change colours. where possible photos have been provided to show a more accurate presentation of how it will look.
Not much is known about Fra Angelico's early life. He was born around 1400 and was named Guido di Pietro. Around 1418 he and his brother Benedetto took vows to become monks in the Order of Dominican Preachers in Fiesole, Italy, near Florence. Fra Angelico's religious name was Fra Giovanni da Fiesole. The titles Fra Angelico and Beato Angelico came into use only after his death, as a way of honoring his religious life and work.
In the early 1420s Fra Angelico and Fra Benedetto began operating a painter's workshop and a room for copying documents in Fiesole. Many of Fra Angelico's early works were created at the monastery (a house for persons who have taken religious vows) of San Domenico in Fiesole. The Annunciation of about 1430 and the Linaiuoli Altarpiece (Madonna of the Linen Guild) reveal the directions of Fra Angelico's art. His gentle people are modeled in chiaroscuro (the arrangement or treatment of light and dark parts), and these saints and angels stand out from the rest of the picture.

Checklist for ideas

  • Wood appliques
  • waxes
  • Furniture stencils
  • transfers
  • Brushes and applicators


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